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Fridays with Fiona: A Conversation with Mr. Dioli

Second grader Fiona L.'s monthly webseries features conversations with Sacred Heart community members

Fridays with Fiona is a monthly webseries featuring second grader Fiona L. (LMS '23). 
September - Conversation with Dr. Slafter
October - Coversation with Nurse Jenni

Fridays with Fiona: A Conversation with Mr. Dioli

Today I interviewed Mr. Dioli, our director of schools, in his office in the Main Building.  He is a very fascinating person.  I hope you enjoy and I hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving.
FIONA:  Thank you for taking time out of your day.
MR. DIOLI:  Always.  I welcome it.
FIONA:  What do you do all day?
MR. DIOLI:  Well, I start my morning off by coming in and talking to my assistant first, looking at my calendar, then taking meeting appointments, meeting with faculty members, meeting with staff members, trying to go to the classrooms and see the kids.  Depending on the day, every day is different in my job and that’s what makes it so exciting.
FIONA:  What’s your favorite thing during the day at SHS?
MR. DIOLI:  When I see the kids.  All the kids, from preschool to 12th grade, engaged in the classroom with activities, and outside the classroom with extracurricular activities.  That’s what I love.
FIONA:  What’s your least favorite thing about the day at SHS?
MR. DIOLI:  Meetings.  I have to go to a lot of meetings.  That’s my least favorite, especially when they don’t involve the kids.
FIONA:  What’s the craziest thing that has happened here - something during Congé, I suppose?
MR. DIOLI:  Yes!  You know when they say Congé, that is the craziest day here ever. It’s a wild, crazy day, but it’s a fun day. It brings the heritage back to Sacred Heart, because the sisters started Congé years ago.
FIONA:  What book are you reading right now?
MR. DIOLI:  Right now I am reading “Grit” and its really about what life teaches you, and what you do to persevere in your life.
FIONA:  Are you going to watch football on Thanksgiving?
MR. DIOLI:  Yes, I am going to watch football on Thanksgiving.
FIONA:  Who is your favorite football team?
MR. DIOLI:  Well, I have a couple.  Right now, my passion is still with the 49ers.  I still like them, though they are not doing all that well.  I do like the Steelers and the Cowboys, as well.
FIONA:  What is your favorite Thanksgiving tradition?
MR. DIOLI:  My family's biggest Thanksgiving tradition is going around the table to say what we are thankful for.
FIONA:  Are you a good cook?
MR. DIOLI:  I am a “B” cook, a pretty good cook.
FIONA:  What are you thankful for?
MR. DIOLI:  I am thankful for my beautiful wife, my family, and my children.  And I am thankful to be part of this wonderful Sacred Heart community!
FIONA:  Thanks!
MR. DIOLI:  Thank you!

Sacred Heart Schools Atherton

Sacred Heart Schools, Atherton

150 Valparaiso Ave
Atherton, CA 94027
650 322 1866
Founded by the Society of the Sacred Heart, SHS is a Catholic, independent, co-ed day school for students in preschool through grade 12