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Commitment to Sustainability


List of 3 items.

  • Carpool to School

    SHS strongly encourages the use of carpools for both daily school travel as well as for weekend activities taking place on campus. Carpools not only reduce traffic and parking issues on campus and in the surrounding neighborhoods, but also can significantly cut carbon dioxide emissions.
  • Bike to School

    Taking advantage of our California weather patterns, SHS students and faculty are encouraged to bike to school whenever possible, and ample bike parking can be found throughout campus.

    Final Fridays of the month are named “Bike to School” days, and an annual Earth Day competition with neighbor Menlo School compares ridership participation for small prizes and school bragging rights.

    A member of the countywide Safe Routes to School program, SHS received a Junior Oak Tree Certificate from the San Mateo County Office of Education in recognition of its outstanding participation in SRTS initiatives, “encouraging children to ride their bikes and walk to school, reducing motor traffic, and promoting a healthy lifestyle.”
  • Caltrain and Van Service

    A number of students, faculty, and staff daily commute by Caltrain to SHS from up and down the Peninsula, and take advantage of the dedicated SHS van routing between the Menlo Park train station and campus each morning and afternoon.

Sacred Heart Schools Atherton

Sacred Heart Schools, Atherton

150 Valparaiso Ave
Atherton, CA 94027
650 322 1866
Founded by the Society of the Sacred Heart, SHS is a Catholic, independent, co-ed day school for students in preschool through grade 12