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Alumni Association Board

Central to achieving the alumni mission, the SHS Alumni Board works closely with the school to identify and develop programming of interest to the broad alumni body, and to find new ways of engaging alumni with the school, cultivating and leveraging the relationship to the benefit of all.
The mission of the SHS alumni relations program is to connect past graduates with the institution through a variety of ways, in order to build, strengthen, and expand the greater SHS alumni network. With more than 5,000 alumni worldwide, the SHS Alumni Association reflects the enduring legacy of the Atherton school, the relevance of the values and principles espoused by founder St. Madeleine Sophie, and the powerful impact of a Sacred Heart education on generations of Sacred Heart students.

Representing alumni interests and serving a critical role for the institution, the SHS alumni volunteer leadership—encompassing the Alumni Board, its Committees, and our corps of Class Agents—are a dedicated group of individuals who have chosen to give back to school through commitments of time, talent, and treasure, and we are incredibly grateful for their continued support.

List of 2 items.

  • Alumni Board Meetings

    We invite all alumni to attend our Alumni Board Meetings/Networking Events or to join one of our ongoing committees. Please contact alumni@shschools.org to learn more about meeting dates and details.
  • Alumni Board Leadership Team

    Lauren (Boyle) Berman (SHP `07)

    Sarah Bohannon (SJS '04, SHP '08)
    Hannah Cevasco (SHP `19)
    Brandon Child (SHP `04)
    Miles DeLong (SHP '09)
    Kristine Fischer (SHP `19)
    John Geary (SHP `11)
    Douglas Hosking (SHP `07)
    Jack Larkins (SHP `19)
    Atilla Lazar (SHP `06)
    Kevin McFarland (SHP '07)
    Tim Norton (SJS '04, SHP '08)
    Greg Randall (SHP `08)
    Lilly Reid (SHP `08)
    Lynn (Rudolph) Rosendin (SHP '05)
    Kate (Ceremsak) Seabolt (SHP `08)
    Ian Simon (SHP `04)
    Madeline Smith (SHP `20)

Alumni Class Agents

Become a Class Agent!

Class Agents are committed and loyal alumni volunteers who represent their graduating class year. They foster a positive partnership with the Alumni Office and maintain a connection among classmates, the school, teachers, and our campus. 
We are looking for volunteers to help connect classmates with each other, your Sacred Heart Schools, Atherton Alumni community, and our beloved campus by becoming Class Agents. If you have questions or want to get involved, please contact the Alumni Office at alumni@shschools.org.

Class Agent Duties

The Class Agent alumni program helps classmates stay connected and maintain relationships with one another and with the School. Class agents are some of our most valuable volunteers, as they work with the Alumni Office to:
  • Stay connected through social media channels
  • Encourage participation in alumni activities (milestone class reunions, Alumni Day, Valpo Bowl, plays, musicals, and more). A personal invitation from a classmate goes a long way!
  • Share updated email addresses with the Alumni Office.
  • Share alumni news for the Sacred Heart Magazine like class members’ achievements, honors earned, marriages, and births.
  • Update classmates on SHP activities, like Spirit Week, Kairos, The Farm, or Creative Inquiry
  • Serve as a member of the reunion planning committee in your milestone reunion year.
  • Promote class participation in annual giving and reunion class giving.

Class Agent Contacts

List of 8 items.

Alumni & PALs Contact

List of 1 members.

  • Photo of Shannon Melinauskas

    Shannon Melinauskas 

    Alumni & Past Parent Engagement Manager

Sacred Heart Schools Atherton

Sacred Heart Schools, Atherton

150 Valparaiso Ave
Atherton, CA 94027
650 322 1866
Founded by the Society of the Sacred Heart, SHS is a Catholic, independent, co-ed day school for students in preschool through grade 12