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Contact Us
Please use the phone numbers below to contact us during our normal business hours. Our normal business hours are Mondays-Fridays 7:45AM - 4:00PM, except during holidays or vacation.
SHS Contacts
SHS Mainline/Portress: 650.322.1866
Preschool: 650.322.0176
K-8 (Kindergarten - Grade 8): 650.322.9931
Preparatory (Grades 9-12): 650.473.4077
Office of Director of Schools: 650.473.4001
Admission: 650.454.8450 Alumni: 650.454.8394
Business Office: 650.473.4071
Campus Security: 650.444.5458 Human Resources: 650.454.8391
Information Technology: 650.454.8470 Institutional Advancement: 650.473.4003