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    • Alumni Day 2024

Alumni Day

Alumni Day 2019 button

Alumni, family, and friends are welcome to any or all of the activities. *Registration required.
1:00 p.m.
*Très Bien Tea, Conway (Palm) Court - Convent of the Sacred Heart Alumnae and guests - Registration Required
3:00 p.m. 50th & 60th Reunion Classes Diploma Ceremonies, Conway (Palm) Court
4:00 p.m.
Mass, Main Building Chapel
5:00 to 8:00 p.m. *Alumni Oktoberfest & Milestone Reunion Celebration, SHP campus outdoors  - Registration Required
6:00 p.m. Milestone Class Reunion Photos for Classes ending in 5 & 0

Milestone Reunion Classes

All are invited to Alumni Day with the following milestone class reunion years recognized. Contact Alumni Engagement Office with questions at alumni@shschools.org or 650.454.8394, or click here for your Class Agent contact.
2019 5th 1979 45th
2014 10th 1974 50th
2009 15th 1969 55th
2004 20th 1964 60th
1999 25th 1959 65th
1994 30th 1954 70th
1989 35th 1949 75th
1984 40th 1944 80th
*Women or men who attended any school on the Sacred Heart Schools, Atherton campus for one year or more are considered SHS alumni. This includes attendees of Sacred Heart Elementary (SHE), St. Joseph's School (SJS), Lower & Middle Schools (LMS), Academy of the Sacred Heart, Convent of the Sacred Heart, Menlo (CSH), and Sacred Heart Preparatory (SHP).

2023 Alumni Award Recipient

Christine O'Neal (SJS `94, SHP `98), Alumni Spirit of Mater Award
Learn more about our Alumni Awards and criteria and submit your nomination.

Alumni Day Contact

List of 1 members.

  • Photo of Shannon Melinauskas

    Shannon Melinauskas 

    Alumni & Past Parent Engagement Manager

Sacred Heart Schools Atherton

Sacred Heart Schools, Atherton

150 Valparaiso Ave
Atherton, CA 94027
650 322 1866
Founded by the Society of the Sacred Heart, SHS is a Catholic, independent, co-ed day school for students in preschool through grade 12