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Fridays with Fiona: A Conversation with Mr. Dwyer

Second grader Fiona L.'s monthly webseries features conversations with Sacred Heart community members

Fridays with Fiona is a monthly webseries featuring second grader Fiona L. (LMS '23). 
September - Conversation with Dr. Slafter
January - Conversation with Ms. Finch
February - Conversation with Ms. Chamorro

Fridays with Fiona – A Conversation with Mr. Dwyer
Today I interviewed Mr. Dwyer, who is in charge of SHS Operations.  He has done everything in his past work experience–you’ll love hearing about his background.  Sit back, relax, and enjoy!!!
FIONA:  Thank you for coming, Mr. Dwyer. What is your responsibility on campus?
MR. DWYER:  My responsibility is to make sure that everything works–that the lights are on; the doors are locked when they are supposed to be and unlocked when they are supposed to be; the temperature is right so everyone feels comfortable on campus; and to make sure people feel safe.
FIONA:  What’s the most complicated thing in Operations?
MR. DWYER:  The most complicated thing probably is understanding how everything is connected throughout the school.  How different departments interact, and how the students and parents fit into that equation, as well.
FIONA:  What inspired you to come to SHS?
MR. DWYER:  I had worked in various places in my career and I wanted a change from corporate America.  A friend of mine knew about this job and talked to me about it. When I visited, I thought, “Wow, this is a great place!”
FIONA:  What did you do before you came to SHS?
MR. DWYER:  That’s a little bit of a loaded question because I have done everything!  But mostly I have worked in facilities operations, and safety and security.  I’ve worked at a law firm, a health care system, an investment-banking firm, in retail at a big department store, and before that I was a police officer.
FIONA:  What type of crimes did you solve when you were a police officer?
MR. DWYER:  I solved anything from people parking in handicapped zones to murder.
FIONA:  Can you tell us a story about your hardest case?
MR. DWYER:  The hardest ones were always the ones where somebody was hurt…and I have to keep this on the lighter side…[so I will tell you off the record!]
FIONA:  What’s your favorite thing to do in your spare time?
MR. DWYER:  Ride my bicycle, garden, read and hang out with friends and family.
FIONA:  I relate to those.  What’s it like at your house – do you have any pets?
MR. DWYER:  I have a seven-year old yellow lab.  Her name is Miley.
FIONA:  Awww, so cute!!!
MR. DWYER:  Yes, she’s an adorable dog and we have had her since she was a puppy.  She was eight weeks old when we got her.  She is very loyal, sweet and smart.  Everybody loves her.
FIONA:  What’s your favorite book?
MR. DWYER:  You know, I knew you were going to ask that question.  I don’t have a favorite book – I have favorite categories.  The weirdest thing is my favorite category is business books, followed by this author named Michael Connelly who writes books about a character named Harry Bosch, a homicide detective in Los Angeles.
FIONA:  What is your favorite thing about SHS?
MR. DWYER:  Probably working with the students – that’s my favorite thing.
FIONA:  Thank you for coming Mr. Dwyer.
MR. DWYER:  Thank you!

Sacred Heart Schools Atherton

Sacred Heart Schools, Atherton

150 Valparaiso Ave
Atherton, CA 94027
650 322 1866
Founded by the Society of the Sacred Heart, SHS is a Catholic, independent, co-ed day school for students in preschool through grade 12