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Watch the Senior Honors Independent Study Presentations

During the week of January 4-8, consider attending one or more Zoom meetings of the seniors’ final independent study presentations find the links to view presentations in this story
Mon, January 4:   Austin Jamias (Science)
Pigments of Our Imagination: Using Skin and Hair Pigmentation as a Model for a Theoretical Exploration in the Biochemistry and Ethics of Genetic Modification
Tues, January 5:   Matthew Kim (Religious Studies)
Across the Highway: How the Education Gap in the Peninsula is a Manifestation of Racial Bias
Wed, January 6: (2 SHIS Presentations Given Simultaneously)
Carter Sun (Religious Studies)
Mobility Through Making: A Constructionist Remedy to Educational Inequity
Jackie Irvin (Social Science)
3:30 p.m.  Zoom Meeting Link:
The Understated Power of Women in the White House: Pioneers, Activists and Agents of Change
Thurs, January 7: (2 SHIS Presentations Given Simultaneously)
Nikash Bhardwaj (Computer Science)
Machine Learning: Applications To Help Mankind
Anisha Menath (Social Science)
The Power of Art: How Art Both Documented and Impacted Social Movements in the 1970s and 1980s
Fri, January 8: (2 SHIS Presentations Given Simultaneously)
Luci Lambert (Social Science)
The 1970s Women's Movement and the Political Impact of Catholic Women
Zoe Schneider (Social Science)
Still Reconstructing: Analyzing the History of Civil Rights Law in the United States Through Three Key Eras and Connecting them to Contemporary America
Where Scholarship and Values Matter
Founded by the Society of the Sacred Heart, SHS is a Catholic, independent, co-ed day school for students in preschool through grade 12